Are you planning for a body massage, but it’s your first time, and you couldn’t decide which style of massage could be the best option for you? If this is the case, this post will provide you all the information about body massage. Nowadays, most spas, massage clinics, and wellness centers are offering different styles of massage, but scheduling for the correct massage style to address your issues and symptoms is the most important to ensure your therapist knows what you are looking for to address. Here are a few guidelines which you can follow to have a wonderful massage experience.
What are available Massage Styles?
Now let’s first discuss what could be the best massage style for you. You will mostly find two main massage styles, Swedish massage (also called Relaxation Massage) and the second one is deep tissue massage (also called clinical style Massage).
Swedish massage style
Swedish style is the most commonly offered massage in most of the spas and wellness centers. This specific massage helps improve blood circulation, promotes general relaxation, and also relieves muscle tensions. The Swedish massage benefits are general relaxation, reduce stress, and improve mood and sleep patterns. Swedish style can be performed with light to firm pressure. The massage style uses regular, long strokes, friction, and shiatsu techniques on the superficial layers of muscles. It may include active or passive joint movements to improve further relaxation and muscle relief. This massage style is suitable if you want body and mind relaxation and is not useful if you want to cure specific medical-related issues that can only be dealt with the deep tissue massage. Swedish massage style is also the ideal option during pregnancy.
Deep tissue massage style
Deep tissue style is a technical way of massage and offers different results as compared to Swedish style. This massage style helps repair injured muscles, tissues, release scar tissue and nerve compression, and reduce pain. Deep tissue massage's purpose is to release specific muscles from chronic holding patterns results from strain, injury, or fatigue and increase the range of motion in those muscles. This Thai-style massage focus on therapeutic goals thus addresses most of the medical-related issues. The massage style can also be tailored according to your specific need.
After a deep tissue massage, you can feel discomfort and soreness in your muscles, but it will typically go away within 24 hours after massage session.
How to find the best therapist?
Massages are as unique as the therapists that perform them. All therapists have different hands and pressure. There are chances if you think someone is a good therapist for you and cannot be fit for the other client. Most of our client asks the same question who’s the best therapist in your team and I always said sorry I don’t have the answer for this. It’s up to you to find your best one from them. In my opinion, different therapists can be suitable for different needs; for example, a therapist can be right for you when you are stressed, drained, and need emotional recharging. While the other time when you need those kinks worked out, you may find the other therapist best for that job. So I recommend my client try different therapists first and then stick with the one you feel well.
Best time for Massage?
Make sure if it is an excellent time to have a massage and are you ready for it mentally and physically. If you have specific skin problems like sunburn or have a fever, you must reschedule your appointment.
How to Prepare for Massage?
Drink plenty of water days before your appointment, and avoid eating just before your massage session. Try to reach your spa at least 15 minutes before and be relaxed. If you are stressed or in a hurry, then it can take longer to get into a relaxed state.
Tips for Best Massage Experience
If you feel comfortable during the massage, then it is ok otherwise, tell your therapist what is going wrong and how you are feeling? Or if something hurts you. It will help massage therapists to adjust techniques according to your need.
Breathe deeply during the spa massage and relax your body and mind
Avoid helping your therapist by turning your head or lifting an arm. The therapist is working, not you. If you find yourself doing it during a massage, go back to number two tip and breathe deeply; visualize yourself relaxing that body part, as well as others.
Tell your therapist about the room temperature if it is too cold or hot? And at which body part you need more or less pressure. It will help your therapist to customize the session according to your need.
Stop thinking and formulating your to-do list, and enjoy the spa massage session. Just focus on your message, feel the touch, and allow yourself to get lost in it.